Saturday, October 19, 2013

Yep! I'm still on The Plan

So it's going on a year since I started The Plan.  I've had weight ups and downs, but each and every time my weight went too far up I jumped right back on Day 1 of The Plan and it HAS NOT FAILED ME ONCE! I can seeeeemingly ALWAYS get the weight back off within the first 4 days of following The Plan or eating known, non-reactive Plan food.

I'm still not down to the 120 lbs I so desire, but almost every pair of jeans I thought were "just for young folks" (cause they wouldn't fit my fat-ass) are now a staple in my wardrobe.  Some of my jeans are even super baggy in the butt parts.  (I love showing-off that part.  It probably looks crazy but boy that extra material hangin off the bottom of my butt sure feels goooood to me!)

So I'm most definitely still on The Plan and I continue to discover what is reactive and non-reactive for me.  I realize that this body they give us is really a puzzle we're to figure out how it works.  I suppose sickness or health is a sign that you're winning or losing the Flesh Bag game of life.

I'm still very excited about The Plan and think that its genius.

Oh yeah, about a month ago we stayed at a resort where there was a special celebration along with a buffet. "Did someone say buffet?"  "Wellllllllll why didn't you say so?!!! Here's my money, where's the plateS?" annnnd Yep, I ate everything I could possibly get my hands on.  Seriously.  I ate and tried just about everything they had out on the tables.  I mean there was food everywhere.  It was fun.  And as soon as I got home I just jumped on The Plan, Day 1 and that's all she wrote.  My weight is back to normal - not 120 lbs normal but 130, 127, 127 normal (those are weights from 3 scales).