Thursday, March 28, 2013

Raw Try

Today I'm trying something new for breakfast. 

Soaked over night Buckwheat.

add 1 cup to a blender (Vita mixer or BlendTec (I have a BlendTec : ))
add coconut milk
       1/2 apple or pear
       raisins or cranberries
       cinnamon, cardomon, turmeric
       raw pumpkin seeds

blend until its creamy and smooth.  Top with 1/2 chopped apple or pear, and Enjoy!

You can probably also heat this in the BlendTec or on the stove if you want something warm.

And I pretty much know this is non-reactive because I have no bloating or acid-reflux reaction after eating it.  So its added to 'stuff I can eat'!

Can you say "Plateuuuuuu"? I can! Grrrrr!

Soooo, my fellow Planners, it seems I've plateaued.  "Ooooooh NOOOOOO!"  Not the plateau monster?!  Yes!  The monster has arrived.  I've gotten stuck at 131, 127, 127!!!  Those are not bad weights but my real goal is to know and understand my body and how to adjust it at will.  I was hoping to be closer to 120 by now.  I'm 5'4" so I do believe I could possibly pull it off, but still yet, a sold 125 would probably be best for someone my height and age.

So here's the plan (no pun intended)  I'm going to write about what I'm eating, drinking and sleeping and see if I can be honest enough with myself to pinpoint what could be causing my weight to be budge proof.

This morning it seems I picked up a pound, however I'm wearing a pair of pants that only a few months ago I deluded myself into believing had shrunk in the wash.  As of today they're baggy on me - so much so, that I'm having to wear a belt.  Those are not bad results as I haven't worn these pants in over a year.  And when I wore them last I vowed to never put myself though that agony ever again!  They were tight and tortured me all day long.  Today, I can hardly tell they're on.  So that's good, but not 120-lbs-good!

So I do believe that I, me, may be reactive to honey.  I've been battling a sore throat recently and ate some honey mixed with turmeric last night as cough medicine.  It doesn't really matter because I believe that I knew, prior to The Plan, that I'm reactive to honey.  So I haven't had any honey today but I believe that may be in part where the extra weight or 'non-budge' may have originated.

The next day:
 So now let's combine my having no more honey, increasing my protein which was one lamb shank and sautéed Kale with onion, a Zumba class and "Walla"!  I'm down a pound.  Yipeeeee! 

But what I really think is making this work again is the increase in protein and my refraining from unsalted potato chips as well as honey.  Oh yeah, and I increased my kelp intake.  I'm shaking on more kelp and have been making seaweed chips.  I just use sushi paper, moisten with lemon, water and chili pepper.  Then roast at 250 for 15 minutes or until they are crunchy like chips.

I'm still having the Flax G with blueberries and coconut milk and I do believe that continues to be non-reactive.   Lunch is basically the same as what's noted in the plan - salad along with Anti-inflam soup or a cook vegetable.  Dinner is always the tricky one.  But I'm going to push forward with having a hardy portion of a non-reactive protein with a green or Timbale and then we'll see what happens.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back On Track

Well I do believe it may have been the goat cheese that caused me to pick up that extra pound on Friday.  So I hunkered down and now, as of this morning, I'm down about 1 1/2 lbs or from 132.0 to 130.8. Not bad. 
Saturday morning I ate the flax granola, lunch was a smaller salad and smaller bowl of soup.  Dinner was mixed greens with roasted chicken wings (2 wings precisely - I couldn't eat much more than that) with sauteed carrots, ginger and kale in a little coconut milk.  My indulgence however was about 2 cups of popcorn and a few unsalted chips.  I found that if I eat chips slooooowly then my digestion isn't upset.  Still yet, I can only eat a few.

So, again, I'm back on track but actually was hoping to have the heaviest scale displaying something under 130 this weekend.  I'll just keep working at it.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Ut Oh!

Well it looks like I picked up a pound yesterday.  I weighed in this morning and "Arrrrgh!"  a whole pound!  Craaaaap!  I was really looking forward to my heaviest scale saying 130.  I was at 131.2, 127 & 127 just yesterday.  But 2 of the 3 scales seem to be showing a consistent one lb gain.  So I'm 'on it' today.  No fartin around with testing anything.  Just the basics.   Anti-inflammartory soup and a simple salad for lunch and dinner will be close to the same but with a protein.

Honestly I don't know what happened yesterday.  I messed around with a few things that could have been the 1 lb culprit.  I normally don't show reaction to wine, but last night I did drink a little bit of wine sort of late at night and really close to my bedtime.  When I drank it, I almost automatically felt an odd, uncomfortable, almost acid-refluxy feeling.  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you about my acid-reflux that pretty much became a thing of the past since The Plan.  I SWEAR I had horrible, horrible digestive issue.  I mean, before The Plan I eat lunch or dinner and then I'd have to sit really still for a long time until the stress, anxieity, "OMG am I having a HA?!!" went away.  But now, on The Plan, it's like that never happened. 

Anyway, back to the pound.  So it could have been drinking that little bit of wine too late at night, maybe I enduldged in more chocolate than I should have and (hehehehe) I had some chips too.  Ok, ok!!! Geeez! Shut up!  I get it!  I was a little piggy yesterday.  Oh yes, one other thing I'm remembering now;  I added goat cheese to my salad yesterday instead of manchego.   Hummm.....  now that actually makes more sense.  Hummm.... ok, no goat chesse for the next few days and I'll stick with the wine and chocolate, but not past 7:00pm.  And then I'll report back.

Thanks for reading.  Please make comments and have a Planned day!!!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Plan - Your Shopping List

Here's my review for The Plan on  It includes the shopping list you may need to make The Plan easier for you.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm the healthiest eater around. NO ONE eats healthier than I. Soooo why was I gaining weight - like a pound a day?!!! Probably because my 'healthy' food was causing inflammation. Oh yeah, and I exercised too... everyday - hard! Lyn-Genet said stop exercising and figure out what's making you lose or gain weight. Exercise causes inflammation "duh!" So I stopped exercising and started dropping weight. Like a friggin miracle.

Long and short I've dropped about 12 lbs since 1/10/13, depending on what I 'tested' the day before. And as of today, 3/4/13 one of my 3 scales displayed 126 (and yes I got on it about 8 times!!  Just to make sure of course.)

Still yet, I did NOT and do not follow the daily plan to the 'T'. I just eat in the pattern outlined and stick to the least inflammatory foods. No animal protein for lunch. Just for diner.

I started the 3 day detox on 1/10/13 and have never looked back!

Besides your 'test foods' here's your entire shopping list. These are ALL THE FOODS you'll need for the 20 days. Again, except for the test foods.
So I suggest you get the book, read it, clear out your fridge, get in yo car and pick up this list of foods! You still staring at blogs? Get cho'fatazz up and to the store!
* Apples
* Blueberries
* Pears
* Flax seed
* Chia seeds
* Raisins
* Cranberries
* Pumpkin seeds
* Pastachios
* Raw almond butter - which I don't buy
* Apricots
* Lemons
* Italian herbs
* Goat cheese
* Coconut milk
Baby Romaine
* carrots
* beets
* broccoli
* avocado
* zucchini
* squash
* onion
* basil lemon
* manchego - very delicious cheese. expensive, but very delicious
* squash
* kale
* garlic
* chickpeas
* sunflower seeds
* mixed greens
herbs and spices

Getting UnStuck

First let me say that The Plan continues to work!!!  Yesterday I ate a little chocolate and drank almost a whole glass of wine.  I weighed in this morning and I'm not only showing 'no reaction' but 2 of the 3 scales are showing a decrease in my weight. 

Anyway, so I thought I was stuck for a minute there as all three scales seem to have been stuck at 129 130 & 132 for a few days there.  I wasn't exactly sure what may have been going on, but I was getting a little concerned as I got sort of used to seeing between a 1/2 pound and a pound dropping each day to every other day.  So I had pretty high expectations, maybe even demands at that point, thinking I had command over the scales.  "I command thee to drop a pound!  Do it now!"  Well, that doesn't really work, so I had to start taking a closer look. 

Well one thing I did when I noticed that the scales weren't moving was eliminate that little bit of coffee I was periodically drinking in the morning.  I'd read somewhere that caffeine can also interfer with thyroid hormone uptake.  Well, so far that seems to be true as I haven't had coffee now in a few days and the scale started moving down again.

I'm just still so 'pumped' at the fact that this is still working.  I wish I wasn't so shocked, pissed and humiliated at my weight before The Plan, otherwise I'd have a before photo to include here.  So for now I'm just posting pics of my current weight per 3 scales.

                                       127                                        127                                            131.4                          

So what's my goal?  Well, I suppose since I'm 5'4" my goal weight should be somewhere under 120, yes?  What say you? 

But I'll tell you one thing for sure, when any one of these scales says 125 I'm going to celebrate, for one day only, with a grill cheese sandwich on white bread and a delicious cupcake from The Coffee Shop!   I'm savoring the moment.  It could even happen tomorrow, maybe, since I had a pretty good work out this morning and I'll plan to reduce my portion sizes today.  So we will see!  But I do believe that as long as I stay the current course my weight should be around  123    124   127.4  by next weekend.  OMG!  Did I just type123?  Now I'm all excited.  Geeez!