Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ho Hum

I didn't sleep well last night.  I feel asleep around 10:30 but I must have woken up - wide awake - at around 2:30.  Grrrrr!  I couldn't get back to sleep.  I could swear there was some kind of work going on outside as I kept hearing a machine like hum.  I really wanted to go outside to see if I could see what was going on.  But I didn't.  Grrr!

I have some hypnosis apps that I like to use, and normally I fall right asleep listening.  Last night, however, I just couldn't get my 'drift-off' on.  So today, Tuesday, I was not on my 'Plan' game.  I didn't finish my cup of detox tea, I made no maca mix and then mid morning I started craving corn chips.  I was at home and they were in the cabnet, so we met up in the family room.  Then later in the day I scarfed down some big hunks of chocolate and Oh no, I didn't stop there - before dinner I had a big old hunk-a glass of Sirah.  I did eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner according to The Plan, but I just had some parties in between.

Tomorrow will be better, but I can feel the fat particles right now, and I know the scale is gonna speak to me in the mornin!  But I know I'll get back on track because this is working.  I know that as long as I up the protein, but just not too much and stick to fruit and vegetables that I know will work, I'll be just fine.

My goal weight now if 116.  I think that's a sexy weight and I can only imagine all the nicer, cuter clothes I'll be able to wear.