Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ho Hum

I didn't sleep well last night.  I feel asleep around 10:30 but I must have woken up - wide awake - at around 2:30.  Grrrrr!  I couldn't get back to sleep.  I could swear there was some kind of work going on outside as I kept hearing a machine like hum.  I really wanted to go outside to see if I could see what was going on.  But I didn't.  Grrr!

I have some hypnosis apps that I like to use, and normally I fall right asleep listening.  Last night, however, I just couldn't get my 'drift-off' on.  So today, Tuesday, I was not on my 'Plan' game.  I didn't finish my cup of detox tea, I made no maca mix and then mid morning I started craving corn chips.  I was at home and they were in the cabnet, so we met up in the family room.  Then later in the day I scarfed down some big hunks of chocolate and Oh no, I didn't stop there - before dinner I had a big old hunk-a glass of Sirah.  I did eat my breakfast, lunch and dinner according to The Plan, but I just had some parties in between.

Tomorrow will be better, but I can feel the fat particles right now, and I know the scale is gonna speak to me in the mornin!  But I know I'll get back on track because this is working.  I know that as long as I up the protein, but just not too much and stick to fruit and vegetables that I know will work, I'll be just fine.

My goal weight now if 116.  I think that's a sexy weight and I can only imagine all the nicer, cuter clothes I'll be able to wear.


Anonymous said...

I love your posts! You have a great sense of humor! I am considering going on the Plan...so what happened since April?

Miel said...

Good question! It's been a bit of a struggle trying to get the rest of the weight off. I've gotten down to as low as 124 but can't seem to get the scale to go lower. I tried something different, but that only caused me to go running back to The Plan. Still yet, I've not gained 'the weight' back. I'm stable, hovering around 127, but it would be so sweet to get down to a solid 123, 124.
Too, I’m exercising now and have set up a standing desk in the office and at home. That is helping to burn more calories as well.
My goal is to figure out just how to eat on The Plan so that I can continually drop weight. I mean, I want to be in full control of my weight loss and gain.

janetc said...

I've got a lot of admiration for you to keep sticking with it. I'm a newbie.... I'm on Day 4 and right now I'm gung ho....lost about 4 lbs. I have a very stressful job and lifestyle and gained 10 lbs, last year and nothing was working. The Plan seems to make sense but little doubts arise...I mean what if she is totally delusional?: Lynn-Genet says weight gain or just about any other sign say that we are allergic to the food we tested but then later we might test OK for the food and if you eat all the wrong foods at a restaurant but we are happy we might not gain the weight....I mean I do realize we are complicated creatures...but that kind of wiggle room might make me happily go out and eat at a restaurant, especially after this flax seed breakfast gets really old! Congrats on the exercise! That is another reason I gained weight. I was working out almost every day, but again, due to working too much and some injuries kicking in and causing pain...I didn't get to the gym more than two times a week...I hope she's wrong about not exercising more than 4 times a week at 30 min. a spot, cause i am back to exercising more...I hope she's right about eating 2000 calories per day helping you lose!!

romanholiday said...

Hi! I hope you keep updating your blog-- your writing is so approachable and informed, and I love reading about your 'real-world' experience with The Plan.

Regarding your weight loss stall, have you tried emailing Lyn-Genet again? Maybe post your food journal here so we can help identify the culprit? Hope to see you blogging again soon!