Sunday, February 10, 2013

Eggs? Who knew!

Yesterday I went to lunch with a friend and ordered an omelette. I hadn't had eggs since I started The Plan or rather, my version of The Plan. So eating eggs was really a test for me. Well, let me tell you, by that evening I was pretty bloated and worried that eventhough I hiked up a mountain that day I was going to show weight gain due to the inflammartory repsonse I was obviously getting from the eggs. So I went into anti-inflammartory panic mode. I blended ginger and a stick of cinnamon, heated and drank. That actually reduced the bloating. I was kind of surpised that worked so well and in such a short amount of time - about an hour. When I woke up this morning, 2/10/13, and weighed in I thought, well I know I didn't drop any weight but "Please God, let there not be any weight gain" and God heard my prayers!!! NO WEIGHT GAIN. and as a matter of fact 2 of the 3 scales show weight loss and the third, no weigh gain. The '3rd' scale is a wonky digital scale, however, and actually when I first got on it, it showed 1 pound weight loss. But when I got on it again (because I get on all three of them about 3 or 4 times to see who may be lying) it showed the same weight as yesterday - 135.4. Cool. I'm just happy it didn't say 138 (Swiss Chard) or something crazier then that.

Anyway, I want to help anyone who is interested in The Plan by showing my view of it. I'm laying out a bit of a big picture view of The Plan, and as far as I'm concerned as long as you stick to the foods, test and weigh, you can eat whatever you want or at least 'feel' like you're eating whatever you want. I mean what if I'm just not in the mood for kale, well then I'll just substitue with roasted vegetables. Because to me, as long as you stick to foods that are non-reactive for you, you should be fine. Right?

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