Saturday, February 16, 2013

It's Still Working!!!???

I am still amazed that The Plan is still working.  I mean, I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but I thought for sure I'd plateau by now as plateauing seemed to be my middle name for the last 15 years or more.  So  I thought for sure after I ate half a bag of popcorn last night, and wine (just a little) that I'd show reactivity this morning.  (I also tested straight dried apricots yesterday).  But when I weighed in today there was MORE weight loss.  My 3 scales are now 129, 129 and 133.  It's funny too how my first two scales are finally neck-in-neck, whereas before The Plan they always showed at least a 3 lb difference.  So I'm super excited that this methodology continues to work.

So I guess I need to make a confession of sorts right now.  Everyone who knows me knows that I'm pretty much a vegetarian, or at least I've only eaten sea food in the past but, still yet, really not that much.  However, The Plan methodology calls for eating protein and of course if you've read The Plan you know that salmon and shrimp can be reactive.  So I suppose I'm living proof of that because that's pretty much all of what my fat ass was eating!  So now you've figured it out - I've been eating chicken and meat - lamb to be specific, and of course, scallops - which are non-reactive for me.   There! I've said it!  I'm no longer a pesca-vegetarian!  But if that's what its taking for me to finally get some of this weight off, so be it!  MEAT IT IS!

Now as a disclaimer, note that I take my advice on preparing chicken from the book Ageless Remedies from Mother's Kitchen.  So let's be real clear on this;  "I would NEVER eat chicken from a restaurant or from someone else's home unless I know it was prepared in the prescribed way."  That is, when I buy chicken I rinse it well then place it in a zip lock bag, add a teaspoon of Celtic sea salt, cover it with water and let it soak over night.  In the morning the water and its contents - because a lot of 'stuff' is squeezed out of the chicken in this process - is poured down the drain.  Then I proceed to stew it in water and a red onion.  I also always try to include the dry, crip skin of the onion in my stew as I heard on Dr. Oz that the dried onion skin is a good stroke preventative.  Since both my grandmothers had strokes I'm listening to any advice that will act as a preventative measure.  Oh yeah, I keep a blood pressure cuff with me everywhere I go so to make sure my blood pressure isn't too high and I also have that app that can take your pulse through your phone.  And,  oh yeah,  because it was relatively cheap I have a stethoscope ta boot! So if you need a check up, just stop by my house and I can take all of your vitals!

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