Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Plan - Your Shopping List

Here's my review for The Plan on  It includes the shopping list you may need to make The Plan easier for you.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm the healthiest eater around. NO ONE eats healthier than I. Soooo why was I gaining weight - like a pound a day?!!! Probably because my 'healthy' food was causing inflammation. Oh yeah, and I exercised too... everyday - hard! Lyn-Genet said stop exercising and figure out what's making you lose or gain weight. Exercise causes inflammation "duh!" So I stopped exercising and started dropping weight. Like a friggin miracle.

Long and short I've dropped about 12 lbs since 1/10/13, depending on what I 'tested' the day before. And as of today, 3/4/13 one of my 3 scales displayed 126 (and yes I got on it about 8 times!!  Just to make sure of course.)

Still yet, I did NOT and do not follow the daily plan to the 'T'. I just eat in the pattern outlined and stick to the least inflammatory foods. No animal protein for lunch. Just for diner.

I started the 3 day detox on 1/10/13 and have never looked back!

Besides your 'test foods' here's your entire shopping list. These are ALL THE FOODS you'll need for the 20 days. Again, except for the test foods.
So I suggest you get the book, read it, clear out your fridge, get in yo car and pick up this list of foods! You still staring at blogs? Get cho'fatazz up and to the store!
* Apples
* Blueberries
* Pears
* Flax seed
* Chia seeds
* Raisins
* Cranberries
* Pumpkin seeds
* Pastachios
* Raw almond butter - which I don't buy
* Apricots
* Lemons
* Italian herbs
* Goat cheese
* Coconut milk
Baby Romaine
* carrots
* beets
* broccoli
* avocado
* zucchini
* squash
* onion
* basil lemon
* manchego - very delicious cheese. expensive, but very delicious
* squash
* kale
* garlic
* chickpeas
* sunflower seeds
* mixed greens
herbs and spices

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you! You made my life very easy.